Best of Azerbaijan-Yanardagh Fire Mountain
Yanardagh Fire Mountain
27 kilometers from the central streets of Baku in the settlement of Mehemmedi there is a limestone mountain on the slope of which a hot gaseous medium flares up. This eternal flame includes Yanardag, which means fiery mountain. Scientists have determined that the eternal fire is about 5000 years old and it was he who served as a source of inspiration for fire worshipers in Azerbaijan. The fiery mountain was formed during a thunderstorm when lightning struck the trees near the mountainside and the flames flared up due to a leak of fuel supply gas. Azerbaijan has a large number of sources of gas in the form of a flame. Not for nothing is Azerbaijan called the “land of fires”

Yanardagh Fire Mountain
Many travelers reported about the eternal flame in their notes, books, and among them also the famous Italian Marco Polo.
Yanardagh Fire Mountain
At the moment, this place is used as a museum complex and its fame is growing day by day.