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Solar energy and water resources of the Kura and Araz rivers– ARAN

The Kura-Araz Lowland (Central Aran) is located between the Greater and Lesser Caucasus. It occupies most of the Kura depression and, gradually expanding from west to east, extends to the Caspian Sea. A significant part of the lowland territory is below ocean level.

Central Aran


From 1991 to 2021, it was called the Aran economic region and the direction of 16 transformations (Agjabadi, Agdash, Beylagan, Barda, Bilasuvar, Goychay, Adjigabul, Imishli, Kurdamir, Neftchala, Saatli, Sabirabad, Sal, Ujar, Zerdab) and 18 cities (main) . - Shirvan, Mingachevir and Yevlakh).

Shirvan National Park was created in 2003 by order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 5, 2003 on the administrative territory of the Salyan and Neftchala regions, in the main part of the reserve of the same name. The total area of the park is 54,373.5 hectares (543.73 km²). On August 3, 2004, the charter of the National Park was adopted. State control over the state, implementation of measures for the protection, preservation and restoration of the territory, as well as the flora and fauna of the National Park is carried out by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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Kurdamir was founded in 1730. During research, it turned out that Kurdamir was one of the villages of the Bölyukat region, which was part of the Shirvan Khanate, which arose after the death of Nadir Shah in 1747. In 1821, Kurdamir was one of 10 villages included in the Bölyukat region. The settlement and cemetery of Garatapa on the territory of the village of Sygyrly date back to the Middle Ages. The monuments have important archaeological historical significance. It is assumed that the settlement of “Tanga” in the 9th-11th centuries, located on the territory of the village of Arabgubali, is the remains of the city of Shirvan.

Goychay is located in the Shirvan steppe, at 219 km of the Baku-Kazakh highway, at the intersection of 4 highways. In the north there are the Akhal Mahal mountains, and in the east it is washed by the Goychay River. There are about 200 streets in the city. It is the 10th largest city in Azerbaijan.

According to some historical information, the first inhabitants of the city in the 15th century were Turkish settlers in Karaman Beklyarbekstvo (now the village of Karaman).

In the 18th-19th centuries, victims of the earthquake in Shemakha were evacuated here, and therefore the residential area of the city expanded. As a result of administrative changes in the Caucasus in 1867, Goychay district was allocated as part of the Baku province, the center of which became Goychay.


Central-Aran Gallery

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Tours related to the city of Central-Aran


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